Headaches Could Be A Result Of An Underlying Dental Problem

None of us can think of visiting a dentist when having a prolonged or recurrent headaches, ain’t it? Obviously, because considering headache to be a result of teeth conditions is far from anyone’s thinking really. One reason is that it is extremely rare and there could be many more reasons for headaches and a dental problem is the least thought off. Here’s a case study where a 45 year old lady was having recurrent headache for a long period of time. She paid many visits to physicians, ENT specialists as well as Neurosurgeons and even underwent many diagnostic tests like EEF, MRI and CT Scans but with no success in diagnosis about the reason. She was then suggested by Neurosurgeons to go for an open surgery of 2 lacs cost. She was already distraught about not known the reason behind the suffering.

Amidst all this chaos her daughter found out through her on research and judgement that it could be a dental condition. She then visited one of the popular dental clinic chains in Bangalore and the doctors immediately diagnosed it as a dental condition. The headache was because the lady was having unevenly aligned teeth in a small jaw. As a result of improper placement and crowding, it was triggering headache.

The doctors then created a treatment plan of action for here which was short, simple and even painless to an extent. After the orthodontic treatment was done, not only did she get rid of her headache but also got her beautiful smile.

This only throws out one question, if only had she not heard to her daughters suggestion and went ahead with the open surgery, the results could have been unimaginable. Additionally, it could have cost her a bomb that too on a surgery that wasn’t needed at all.

Well, this also brings to light the fact around lack of awareness or ignorance of dental problems and issues in the country. Dental health is equally important and ignoring it is not a good idea, and awareness around it can always help.

*Sourced from Internet

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