Event Date
3 Dec 2019
World AIDS Day 2019
The Department Of Public Health Dentistry- Rajarajeswari Dental College and Hospital observed WORLD AIDS DAY on 3th December 2019. Activities were held all day to mark WORLD AIDS DAY.
The forenoon session of the program included distribution of RED RIBBONS to Principal and all the Faculty, Post graduate students,Interns and students of various Departments of RRDC & H.
The afternoon session included guest lectures to mark WORLD AIDS DAY.
A brief note on the speakers and their respective talks is as follows:
1. Dr.Shashidharan K- Team Lead-Tech Support Unit –Karnataka State AIDS prevention society delivered a talk on “Community efforts in effective AIDS response.”
2. Dr.Ravindra – Team member-Tech support unit Karnataka State AIDS prevention society delivered a talk on “ Theme of World aids day 2019 and efforts to tackle AIDS”
The program was well attended by Principal, Faculty members, Interns, Post graduate and Under graduate Students.