Admission Enquiry for 2025-26              'ProsthARTics - 2024'                              

Recognised by Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, UK for part 1 & 2 MFDS Examinations

Anti Ragging

Anti Ragging

S/No.   Details
1. Anti-Ragging Committee details 1 Dr. Edwin  Devadoss Dean & Chairman
2 Dr. S. Savita Principal & Secretary
3 Dr. Mohammed idris Vice Principal
4 Smt. Shambhavi Ladies Hostel Warden
5 Smt. Kamakshi S K Ladies Hostel Warden
6 Dr. Mahesh Kumar T S Men’s Hostel Warden
7 Mr. Thangaraj Chief Executive Officer
8 Dr. Keerthi Narayan PG Student
9. Sub-Inspector Kumbalgodu Police Station
2. Anti-Ragging Squad Details 1. Dr. Gangaiah M Chairperson
2. Dr. Ravi Kumar B J Coordinator
3. Dr. Praneet Raj Member
4. Dr. Shweta Kumari Poovani Member
5. Dr. Anand Member
6 Dr.Priya Member
7. Mr. Lohit Naik Member
8. Ms. Maria Francis Member
3.  Anti-Ragging Monitoring Committee College has Anti ragging counseling committee with Dr. Shashi Kumar, Reader, Orthodontics as Chairman ( Ph. No.9980280485)
4.  Mentoring Cells 1. Dr. Krishna  Kripal Chair Person
2. Dr. Nandha Kishore  K J  
3. Dr. Kedarnath N S
4. Dr. Shivaprasad B M
5. Dr.                                  
( PG Student member )
6. Dr. Rakesh M P
( PG Student member )
7. Dr. Atul Kini
(U G Student member )
8. Miss. Athreen Shifa
( UG Student member)
5. Warden 1) Mr. Mahesh Kumar T S- Warden
Men’s  Hostel
2) Mr. R N Jayaram          – Asst. Warden
Men’s Hostel
3) Mrs. H N Tripuramba  – Hostel Manager 
Girls Hostel
4) Mrs. Shambhavi    P R – Warden 
Girls Hostel
5) Mrs. H T Sandhya        –  Warden 
Girls Hostel
4) Mrs. Khamakshi           – Asst. Warden 
Girls Hostel
6.  Mess Incharge 1) Mr. Manjunath 
2) Mr. Vinod
7.  Library Incharge Mr. Chandrasekhar M C
8.  PG Incharge Dr. Raj Kumar S Alle
9. Recreation Room Incharge Mr. R N Jayaram
10.  Rest Room Incharges Mr. Lokesh S J
11.  Details of Local police/Civil Administration/Hospitals Sub-Inspector
Kumbalgodu Police Station
Bangalore -560 074
12. Ambulance Ambulance available 24 hours
13.  Reception Officers Details 1) Mr. Kumar K T
2) Mrs. Jayasheela
3) Mrs. Maheswari B S
14. Details of Contractors/Incharges of Toilets/Lifts Er. Kadar Basha
15.  Lab incharges, 1) Mrs. Mangala H K
2) Mrs. Vasantha M C
16.  Computer Room incharges Mr. Ashok Kandiyat
17.  Details of Security Officers and Security Guards, Details of Emergency Response System Mr. Singh
Security Officer available in the Campus
18. Details of Bus incharges Mr. Prasanna
19.  Details of Parking incharges Mr. Kashinathan
20.  Details of Women Cell Dr. Savita .S Principal/Secretary
Dr. Geeta I. B Professor/Member-1
Dr. Nagarathna C Professor/Member-2
Mrs. Shambhavi P R Warden
Mrs. Honnamma Shastry Parents-1
Dr. Daphne T Student Deputy Leader
Dr. Shriparna Biswas PG Representative
21.  Details of Liaison Officers Mr.   Thangaraj
22.  Dealing with SCs, STs,OBCs Mrs.  Sujatha U Hegde
23.  Disabled, Mrs.  Sujatha U Hegde
24.  Minorities and Transgender Mr.    J. Umashankar
25.  Students Monitors and Leaders Dr. V. Keerthi Narayan   – Student Leader             
Ms. Reema Talat Ayesha – Student Deputy
26.  Anti-Ragging Details No complaints of Ragging received till now.
27.  First Aid Details First Aid box available in all Departments as well as Hostels
28.  Counselors Details 1. Dr. Shashi Kumar HC Chairperson
2. Dr. Yathindra Kumar Coordinator
3. Dr. Suma T  
4. Dr. Mahesh Kumar T S
5. Dr. Prateesh
6. Dr. Nadeera
7. Dr. Sneha Katty
8. Dr. Rameez
29.  Details of Ragging Cases year-wise Nil
30.  ATR on Ragging Cases Nil
31.  FIRs Lodges Nil
32.  Present Status and all vital information Committee functioning successfully and no complaints received.