Admission Enquiry for 2025-26              'ProsthARTics - 2024'                              

Recognised by Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, UK for part 1 & 2 MFDS Examinations


Moogambigai Charitable and Educational Trust was established in the year 1992 with the sole objective for starting institutions of higher education of exemplary stature in the state of Karnataka. To provide quality dental education to all the deserving students irrespective of their Social and Economic backgrounds and to inculcate moral values and discipline to make them as ideal citizens.
Chairman Dr.A.C.Shanmugam, B.A.LLB, FIMSA, FRCPS (Glasgow, UK)
Sri. A. C. Shanmugam, B.A. LLB is a former Member of Parliament and Legislative Assembly. He is the founder Chairman of the Institution. He has established 27 more institutions in Karnataka and Tamilnadu which includes 2 Medical Colleges, 2 Dental Colleges, 6 Engineering Colleges and a host of other Professional Institutions.
Vice-Chairman Er. ACS Arun Kumar B Tech (Hons), MBA
Er. ACS Arun Kumar, B Tech (Hons), MBA is the Vice-Chairman of Rajarajeswari Group of Institutions. He is a qualified Engineer and an able administrator. He also hold the position of President of Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute University at Chennai.
Dean Dr. N. Edwin Devadoss MDS, FIMSA, FDS RCPS (Glasg.)
Professor Dr. N. Edwin Devadoss MDS, FIMSA FDS RCPS (Glasg.) the founder Principal of Rajarajeswari Dental College & Hospital has now become the Dean of the Institution. He continues to serve and administrates in this capacity.
Principal Dr. Girish. H. C., MDS
Professor Dr. Girish. H. C., is the present Principal and Professor of Oral Pathology and Microbiology. He is not only an excellent teacher but also an able administrator.
Dr. Madhumathi Singh , B.D.S. M.D.S. FIMSA, MFDS RCPS (GLASSGOW)
Director of Post Graduate Dr. S. Savita,MDS, MFDS RCPS(Glasg)
Director of Post Graduate & Studies and also Head of the Department of Periodontology. She is responsible for Post Graduate Training in all 9 specialities.
Dr. M.B. Sowbhgya , B.D.S. M.D.S. Hospital Administrator
Mr Roshan Estate Officer