- Orofacial Pain
- Oral Medicine & Radiology
- Prosthetics & Crown & Bridge
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- Periodontology
- Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry
- Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
- Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics
- Public Health Dentistry
- Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology
- Implantology
- Research & Publication
Oral Medicine & Radiology >> Overview
The department of oral medicine and radiology is the threshold to dentistry for all patients. This department is responsible for the preliminary investigation and diagnosis of dental issues, lesions and systemic diseases through oral manifestations. The department also takes responsibility for the dental management of medically compromised patients.
This department is where students, both at the UG and PG level, gain the ability to examine patients, diagnose issues and practice the clinical skills, vital to good dentistry. The department has a separate radiology section with advanced diagnostic aids such as a cephalostat and orthopantomograph, T-Scan, digital OPG, RVG and Extra Oral X-ray unit. Patient management is done through a system of computerized records.
Students have access to a large number of reference books, educational CDs and online resources through LAN and WiFi. The department has the distinction of being the first in India to be equipped with a full-fledged T-Scan with biopack at its Orthofacial pain clinic. The teaching faculty are excellent academicians with several national and international Publications to their credit. Future Plans include acquisition of CBCT, making the department a Ph.D center and to start oral cancer research center.
Oral Medicine & Radiology >> Faculty
Dr. Poornima. C , B.D.S. M.D.S. Professor & HOD
Dr. M.B. Sowbhgya , B.D.S. M.D.S. Professor & Hospital Administrator
Dr. Poornima. G , MDS Professor
Dr. Mahesh Kumar. T. S. , B.D.S. M.D.S. Professor
Dr. Prarthana G. A , MDS Senior Lecturer
Dr. Prateeksha. S , B.D.S. Tutor
Oral Medicine & Radiology >>Publications
Oral Medicine & Radiology >>@ Glance