All About Halitosis and How To Deal With It

All About Halitosis and How To Deal With It

Halitosis is not occasional bad breadth that you get due to eating stuff like garlic or onions that are generally responsible for the same, but it is apparently the chronic condition of bad breath. Bad breath does make us feel really embarrassed obviously, but even more if we get to know this from our near or dear ones. Many people from kids, adults to, even couples suffer from these issues leading to intimacy problems in couples at times as well.

Here’s a run down some of the common reason behind Halitosis
Lack of dental care –Dental care involves brushing teeth two to three times a day, flossing and using mouthwash on a daily basis. Poor dental care results in plaque building, further leading to bad breadth and other dental issues.

Food, Braces and Dentures – Food particles like garlic, onion and other food with strong smell do top the list when it comes to bad breadth causing agents. More so, if you wear braces or dentures. After having food, a lot of particles are stuck behind inside the mouth, cavities and even on the surface of the tongue but more importantly within the braces, if they are not cleaned properly. As for dentures, lose fitting ones cause infections and sores. This generally leads to bad breadth experiences post lunch.

Dental Issues – Another major cause of Halitosis is dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease. Dental conditions like periodontal disease and gingivitis occur when the bacteria succeeds in saving itself from being rinsed away by hiding itself.

Dry Mouth – Dry mouth occurs when the mouth isn’t able to make enough saliva needed to wash out the bad breadth causing bacteria from the mouth. So, dry mouth could be a result of poor dental care as well as addictions like smoking and alcohol.

Health Conditions – Many of us might not be aware of the fact that bad breadth could also be a result of conditions that affect the throat, nasal passage or sinus. Furthermore, according to the American Dental Association diseases related to the kidney or liver could also result in bad breadth. Bad breadth is a common issue during pregnancy due to cravings and intake of different types of foods, hormonal changes, nausea and morning sickness.

Dealing with Halitosis – Obviously, to deal with Halitosis, you need to find out the root cause of the condition. Is it braces, a result of poor dental hygiene, bad breadth causing foods or anything else. Once, you know the cause, you can figure out the suitable treatment for the same.

In case the situation is grave and you sense some internal condition, then is it advisable to seek a dentist as soon as possible. Generally, if its an external condition proper dental routines can easily solve the problem. For issues related to braces, its good to visit an orthodontist and for children related bad breadth issues, a pediatrician. Quit smoking or drinking if you do and bad breadth is a result of it.

Having foods which are low on sugar or sugar products can help you deal with dry mouth issues. These days dry mouth issues can be resolved by prescribing artificial saliva as well. Bad breadth related issues due to medication can be dealt with only by consulting a good dental specialist.


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