wisdom tooth pain relief

All You Need To Do For Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief

Bringing in the wisdom teeth is all about bearing immense tooth ache until its full grown. We all have experienced this uncomfortable and excruciating pain one in our life time. Dealing with this pain on an off can ruin your daily routines to quite an extent by causing discomforting pain. Well, here are a few tips to help you out of this situation.

Ibuprofen – This is kind of a universal mantra of sorts that sure provides relief in the testing times of wisdom tooth growth. Keeping an ibuprofen handy is a good idea. But, do take care of taking a dose that is within the limits.

Ice Pack – Yes, these also do help provide relief against tooth pain naturally without the need of pain killers. They also help in reducing inflammation of jaw line. Try applying it ever 15-20 minutes for good results

Numbing Gel – This is readily available in the chemist shop. Ask for a tooth ache relieving gel and you’ll find a lot of options. The main ingredient in the gel is benzocaine so those who are allergic to this ingredient, do not use it please. For others it is a good alternative for reducing gum pain. You need to apply it on and off throughout the day for good results.

Cloves – Another useful home remedy is chewing a cloves or using clove oil for pain relief. If you prefer chewing the clove then it has to be placed over the wisdom tooth, and is to be hold as a sandwich between the jaws without chewing it. Once you feel relief from pain you may spit it out and use another one. While using clove oil, just soak a cotton ball in the oil and place it on the tooth until you feel better.
Salt water Gargles – Pain at times is caused due to the bacteria in the mouth and using salt water, you can get rid of these pain causing bacteria as salt water is known to be a the natural disinfectant.

Onion – Very few of us might be aware that even onion comes with healing, rather antimicrobial properties. If you chew a piece of onion by keeping on the wisdom tooth or nearby, you will certainly feel that the pain is reducing after some point of time. You may then spit it off. The juice from the onion helps reduce the inflammation.

Tea Bags – Tea does have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and hence sipping on tea made from tea bags works well. The tea bags can also be kept in the mouth where the pain exists once it is cold.

Other than the aforementioned remedies you may also keep drinking water to get rid of the bacteria in the mouth, brush your teeth, floss and use a mouthwash on a regular basis as well as avoid sugar food. This can help you sail through your wisdom tooth growth process.

Dept of Public Health Dentistry at RRDCH