Dental Hygiene in Kids – What you need to Know

Parents around the world many a times are not very keen on dental hygiene of kids because most of them are clueless about right dental practices. Many do not pay attention at their kid’s teeth because they feel that milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones hence milk teeth are not of any significance. But, as per dental experts here is where their thinking is not right. Milk teeth are important because they act as the guiding blocks for positioning permanent teeth properly.

Dental Hygiene in Kids

Milk Teeth Care
Milk teeth are responsible for proper jaw and maxillofacial structure development as well as to avoid teeth overcrowding. Damage to the milk teeth will highly likely result in tooth decay of permanent teeth during the process of mixed dentition viz. the time span between the loss of the last milk tooth and appearance of the first permanent molar. Milk teeth damage and early loss can affect the confidence of the child as well and impact his later years because that loss will stay forever.

Dental Care Routine
Brushing your kid’s teeth since they start getting milk teeth is a good idea to maintain them. But, more importantly it’s important to get them into the habit of brushing their teeth twice a day. You may start by making it a fun activity. Also kids tend to imitate their parents so if you start brushing in front of them then it will be easier for you to get them in a routine. Also, check out some teeth brushing videos to teach your kids the right way to brush teeth. Always brush in a circular motion and also do flossing atleast once before going to bed and brushing twice.

Toothpaste and Brush Usage
Always use a brush that has soft bristles and not hard ones and use the correct technique of brushing teeth. Do change the brush every three months and use a toothpaste that deals with your tooth issues better. Though they do not matter as much as the technique of brushing does.

Diet and Check
Generally, you may give your kids a balanced diet but try avoiding sugary stuff and junk food. If you have a sweet tooth try eating desserts and sweets before the main course meals. This will minimize the risk of the sweet stuff getting stuck in your teeth, leading to cavities.

Well, dental care needs to be a part of your lifestyle and checking your kid’s teeth every six months with a pediatrician is a good idea. This can help you check for early signs of decay and take precautionary measures to avoid further damage.

Know more about leading private dental college and hospital

*Sourced from the Internet

Gum Bleeding is a Matter of Concern

Do you know that gum bleeding is actually a matter or concern and it’s advisable to meet up a dentist if you happen to split blood while brushing your teeth or if you find your gums bleeding. Even the dental health experts term it as an alarm pointing towards some dental conditions. It is known to occur due to bacterial infection of the gum tissue also leading to redness, inflammation and swelling besides bleeding gums. The condition is caused to poor hygiene practices. Bleeding gums are also related to gingivitis where in the gum tissue gets inflamed.

Though, if you find the problem is not enough you may try some home remedies to help you out.

CLOVE OIL – This is one of the home remedies that gives instant relief almost. It is mostly used when you have tooth aches because it is anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anesthetic as well.

COCONUT OIL – Coconut oil is said to have natural health properties and due to its anti-inflammatory nature, it can be used for fighting mouth plaque and reducing gum bleeding as well. For that you need to swish coconut oil in your mouth for 10 -15 minutes daily till to get relief.

SALT WATER GARGLES – Using salt water to rinse your mouth can be of a great help in reducing the levels of bacteria and provide quick relief from pain.

TURMERIC HONEY MIX – Turmeric and honey both are said to have anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties and well a mix of these to super ingredients can actually help a lot to relieve your gums from bleeding and inflammation. Just apply honey and turmeric paste across your gums and leave it for 10 minutes, then rinse.

The above mentioned home remedies can work well with mild infections but that is just for temporary relief, for a long lasting oral health, you need to follow a meticulous dental routine. Also, if you by any means sense that the infections are severe and not mild, it’s advisable that you consult a dentist immediately.

Public Health Dentistry is oriented towards meeting the oral health needs of communities that lack dental health facilities. The objective is to bring people at large within the fold of dental health through outreach programs. Through rural dental camps and adopted satellite centres

*Sourced from the Internet

wisdom tooth pain relief

All You Need To Do For Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief

Bringing in the wisdom teeth is all about bearing immense tooth ache until its full grown. We all have experienced this uncomfortable and excruciating pain one in our life time. Dealing with this pain on an off can ruin your daily routines to quite an extent by causing discomforting pain. Well, here are a few tips to help you out of this situation.

Ibuprofen – This is kind of a universal mantra of sorts that sure provides relief in the testing times of wisdom tooth growth. Keeping an ibuprofen handy is a good idea. But, do take care of taking a dose that is within the limits.

Ice Pack – Yes, these also do help provide relief against tooth pain naturally without the need of pain killers. They also help in reducing inflammation of jaw line. Try applying it ever 15-20 minutes for good results

Numbing Gel – This is readily available in the chemist shop. Ask for a tooth ache relieving gel and you’ll find a lot of options. The main ingredient in the gel is benzocaine so those who are allergic to this ingredient, do not use it please. For others it is a good alternative for reducing gum pain. You need to apply it on and off throughout the day for good results.

Cloves – Another useful home remedy is chewing a cloves or using clove oil for pain relief. If you prefer chewing the clove then it has to be placed over the wisdom tooth, and is to be hold as a sandwich between the jaws without chewing it. Once you feel relief from pain you may spit it out and use another one. While using clove oil, just soak a cotton ball in the oil and place it on the tooth until you feel better.
Salt water Gargles – Pain at times is caused due to the bacteria in the mouth and using salt water, you can get rid of these pain causing bacteria as salt water is known to be a the natural disinfectant.

Onion – Very few of us might be aware that even onion comes with healing, rather antimicrobial properties. If you chew a piece of onion by keeping on the wisdom tooth or nearby, you will certainly feel that the pain is reducing after some point of time. You may then spit it off. The juice from the onion helps reduce the inflammation.

Tea Bags – Tea does have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and hence sipping on tea made from tea bags works well. The tea bags can also be kept in the mouth where the pain exists once it is cold.

Other than the aforementioned remedies you may also keep drinking water to get rid of the bacteria in the mouth, brush your teeth, floss and use a mouthwash on a regular basis as well as avoid sugar food. This can help you sail through your wisdom tooth growth process.

Dept of Public Health Dentistry at RRDCH

10 Different Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

10 Different Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a common problem among people of all ages be it children, adults or the aged. There are many different causes of tooth sensitivity and some of the main causes are largely unknown at times. Tooth sensitivity can be dealt with properly if we are aware of its causes. So, here a list of 10 causes that lead to tooth sensitivity issues.

Regular use of Mouthwash – Some of us use mouthwashes which might contain chemicals and alcohol thus leading to increased sensitivity in teeth.
Solution – Using mouth wash that consists of neutral fluoride

Regular use of Whitening Toothpaste– Some of the tooth whitening chemicals that manufacturers use in their toothpastes consist of chemicals that cause tooth sensitivity issues.
Solution – Use custom made mouth grinders after dentist consult

Excessive plaque deposits– Heavy plaque deposits also lead to teeth sensitivity issues because tooth enamel wears away after excessive deposits of plaque.
Solution – Floss and brush properly and two times a day after eating

Cracked Tooth – You can experience tooth sensitivity if there’s a tooth with a chip off or crack.
Solution – Consult your doctor for treatment like extraction or cap fitting.

Past Dental Treatment – If you have had some dental procedures like root anal, crown placement or extraction then teeth sensitivity issues do occur.
Solution – Consult your doctor to check for an infection possibility

Improper Brushing – The question that even though we brush regularly, 2 times a day why tooth sensitivity affects us, might haunt many of us suffering from tooth sensitivity issues. The truth of the matter is we rarely care to check out once the drill of tooth brushing. Due to improper or sometimes brushing using force our teeth wear out and lose their protective layers. Now this leads to an exposure of the canals that connect your dental nerves. When these canals face exposure against sticky or acidic foods or high temperatures, they’re bound to cause discomfort.
Solution – Use a brush with soft bristles and brush properly.

Dental disease – With age we as humans suffer from deteriorating gums cause tooth sensitivity. This includes gum disease or gingivitis issues.
Solution – Consult your dentist for teeth sealing advice

Food high on acids – Many of us are not aware that eating food that has acids in excess can lead to tooth sensitivity issues. This includes foods like pickles, lemon, tomato sauce to name a few.
Solution – Avoid foods high on acids

Dental Hospitals in Bangalore 

why coot canal is necessary

Dental Health and Root Canal

When you tooth infected or decayed then, a root canal is the treatment that dentists suggest to save it. The process of root canal involves removal of the nerve and pulp. The inside of the tooth has to be cleaned up and finally it is to be sealed. If treatment is not done within time, then it could lead to an abscess to the teeth.

The tooth’s nerve is placed in the root canal. This term is used in order to depict the natural activity in the center of the tooth. The function of the root canal is that of a sensory organ, letting you know about hot or cold. Hence, the absence of it would not adversely affect your routines. As it is the nerve of the tooth does not play a significant role

Why is a root canal necessary?
Root canal is only needed when the tooth has decayed. If the root canal is not carried out before the infection spreads to the roots of the tooth then it would end up in an abscess. An abscess is an extremely painful condition which creates puss filled pockets. This can result into severe tooth damage as well as further into the infection and swelling to spread across the neck head or face. There could be drainage issues that would extend from the root outward into the gums or into the skin through the cheek. The other possibility is of that of bone loss around the cheek.

There are various causes that may lead to a dentist advising a root canal. This includes deep decay resulting into infection, cracked or a chipped tooth, Large tooth fillings or frequent dental procedures face trauma and more.

For treatment you might need to seek a dentist or an endodontist based on the difficulty level of your root canal procedure as well as your own comfort level with the doctor. The procedure of a root canal generally involves numbing your teeth first with the help of anesthesia. Then a hole is drilled for access into the teeth and the decayed tissue is removed along with the debris. The root canal files are used for cleaning out. After placing a number of files of increasing diameter into the access hole, the sides of the root canal are scrubbed and scraped by working the files down full length. The debris inside is flushed off every now and then with sodium hypochlorite or water

The procedure further involves with sealing of the tooth. Sometimes, the sealing is carried out after a week in order to clear up the infection. The doctor prescribes you medication and the tooth’s exterior hole is filled up with a temporary filling so as to keep it away from food particles or other contaminants. The tooth filling materials includes a rubber compound called gutta percha and a sealer paste. It is placed inside the root canal after which the restoration of the tooth is carried out as a final step.

Well, root canal procedures have had the reputation of being painful, but these days with high end equipment’s at hand, dentists do ensure that the treatments are painless to a great extent.