Periodontitis is a tooth condition wherein inflammation occurs around the tooth due to serious damage caused to the soft tissue as well as the bone that support the tooth. The mainly affect the periodontium, which surround the tooth for support purpose. All the periodontal diseases are a result of periodontium and even periodontitis is one of them.
In Periodontitis, the bacteria stick around the surface of the tooth while multiplying. The immune systems is over actively involved in fighting these bacteria which further results into inflammation. As periodontitis spreads its starts damaging the alveolar bone around the teeth and ultimately leads to the loss of it. If care is not taken then periodontitis may lead to heart attack stroke and other health problems as well. Having said that, another fact is that is is completely preventable because it is caused due to poor dental hygiene.
Causes – Now, for the causes of periodontitis – it generally occurs when a sticky, transparent membrane known as the bacterial plaque develops round the tooth surface. If we do not remove plaque regularly it turns into hard tartar which is again very difficult to remove yourself. You need to seek appointment of a doctor to do that because if not removed it starts damaging your teeth. The damage could further lead to gingivitis which if not cured will result into bacteria growth. They will start multiplying and destroying the bone as well as the connective tissue that holds the teeth. Eventually the teeth start losening up and fall off.
Symptoms – Periodontitis symptoms include inflammation of gums primarily. The gums swell and sometimes turn bright red and purple. They hurt and recede as well which results in teeth looking more long. It could also cause bad breath, bleeding while brushing teeth and flossing. Even while eating, the person does not feel the same because the teeth do not fit the same.
Diagnosis and Treatment – A orthodontist or a dentist examines your mouth and can easily diagnose the same. The treatment includes prescribing antibiotics in form of gel, microspheres, antiseptic chips as well as anti-microbial mouthwash. But, if the periodontitis is at the advanced stage it might require a bone and tissue graft or a flap surgery which removes the calculus in the pockets, removal of tarter and lifting gums back. While bone and tissue graft is done for regeneration of the destroyed gum tissues. This can be done using special proteins for regrowing the bones naturally.
Know more about dept of Periodontology – Periodontics in Bangalore