why coot canal is necessary

Dental Health and Root Canal

When you tooth infected or decayed then, a root canal is the treatment that dentists suggest to save it. The process of root canal involves removal of the nerve and pulp. The inside of the tooth has to be cleaned up and finally it is to be sealed. If treatment is not done within time, then it could lead to an abscess to the teeth.

The tooth’s nerve is placed in the root canal. This term is used in order to depict the natural activity in the center of the tooth. The function of the root canal is that of a sensory organ, letting you know about hot or cold. Hence, the absence of it would not adversely affect your routines. As it is the nerve of the tooth does not play a significant role

Why is a root canal necessary?
Root canal is only needed when the tooth has decayed. If the root canal is not carried out before the infection spreads to the roots of the tooth then it would end up in an abscess. An abscess is an extremely painful condition which creates puss filled pockets. This can result into severe tooth damage as well as further into the infection and swelling to spread across the neck head or face. There could be drainage issues that would extend from the root outward into the gums or into the skin through the cheek. The other possibility is of that of bone loss around the cheek.

There are various causes that may lead to a dentist advising a root canal. This includes deep decay resulting into infection, cracked or a chipped tooth, Large tooth fillings or frequent dental procedures face trauma and more.

For treatment you might need to seek a dentist or an endodontist based on the difficulty level of your root canal procedure as well as your own comfort level with the doctor. The procedure of a root canal generally involves numbing your teeth first with the help of anesthesia. Then a hole is drilled for access into the teeth and the decayed tissue is removed along with the debris. The root canal files are used for cleaning out. After placing a number of files of increasing diameter into the access hole, the sides of the root canal are scrubbed and scraped by working the files down full length. The debris inside is flushed off every now and then with sodium hypochlorite or water

The procedure further involves with sealing of the tooth. Sometimes, the sealing is carried out after a week in order to clear up the infection. The doctor prescribes you medication and the tooth’s exterior hole is filled up with a temporary filling so as to keep it away from food particles or other contaminants. The tooth filling materials includes a rubber compound called gutta percha and a sealer paste. It is placed inside the root canal after which the restoration of the tooth is carried out as a final step.

Well, root canal procedures have had the reputation of being painful, but these days with high end equipment’s at hand, dentists do ensure that the treatments are painless to a great extent.

Cavities In Indian Children – On the Rise

Cavities In Indian Children

As per survey reports across 5 cities of India, Cavities in Children in India is considerably higher than ever before. Pediatric Orthodontists though say that it is largely preventable with the right oral care and eating habits. These days parents find children around 5 -6 years of age complaining of tooth pain. This is mostly due to the condition called Cavities. As per statistics over 40% of the children between two and 11 years are most likely to have cavities with their baby teeth and over 20% between six and 11 years with permanent teeth.

Fast Foods – No, its not chocolates or candies but its junk food like burgers, pizzas and noodles. Foods with high sugar or starch contents make up of the acid producing bacterias that in turn start eating the outer surface of the tooth or enamel. Exposure to such attacks of bacteria leads to early decay as the tooth starts losing its minerals.
Hereditary – Not exactly hereditary because, its not by birth but by use of same tooth brush or use of the same spoon from mother to child usually. Repeated use of the same spoon or brush is like transporting decay causing bacteria to your child’s teeth.

Avoid sugary candies, sweets and fast food like pizzas, burgers or noodles or atleast limit your child’s consumption of it.
Avoid excess consumption of starchy and foods loaded with refined carbohydrates like chips, pasta or bread.
Aerated drinks are loaded with phosphorous and carbonation besides high sugar content that has the ability to wear away your teeth.

Its always great to work at grass root levels as the habits developed at this stage would carry on across a lifetime. Here are few tips on developing a habit of oral hygeine amongst your toddlers.
Brush teeth twice a day.
Gargle after eating and having milk
Visit the dentist at least once in six months
Limit snacks between meals
Avoid eating something post brushing at night

In a nutshell, inculcating oral hygiene and healthy lifestyle amongst your children is one way to dodge the cavity monster away from your kids.

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Lab Technician Careers In India

Lab Technician Careers In India – A Short Review

It is an interesting career if you are up for diagnosis of conditions, diseases or illnesses through medical tests. As a laboratory technician you need to carry out the tests and evaluate the samples for the presence of disease causing microorganisms. Though you do not interact with the patient directly, you get to work on the samples sent by them after recommendation of certain tests by the consulting doctors.

Work Area
A lab technician obviously has to work in the laboratory with his microscope and other instruments. He could be a general technician or a specialist in particular subject like chemistry, microbiology and more. There is scope for both kinds because its ultimately helping physicians and specialists treat their patients accurately. Most of the testing laboratories are located either in the hospitals or nearby. These days a lot diagnostic centres are cropping up across various parts of the city, creating umpteen job opportunities for lab technicians particularly in metros. Lab Technician Career In India

Work Type
A lab technician or medical technologists as they are known certainly have a vital role to play because the treatment that the doctors does on the patients is based solely on the test results. Other than lab technicians, work areas also include conducting research but after adequate training by expert researchers.

A lab technician has to play a crucial role, so attention and focus is the primary requirement. Whatever work is undertaken, has to be performed under strict discipline and meticulousness. High anlaytical skills, instrumentation knowledge, stress management ability and timely schedule are also needed to be a skilled lab technician.

To become a laboratory technician in India a diploma or bachelors degree is the mandatory. Either you could go for DMLT or BSc (MLT) or BMLT. You need to pass your 12th class to be eligible for the diploma or degree course. There are numerous colleges across India offering lab technician undergraduate and post graduate courses. Certificate courses are also available.

If research and development in the field of medical sciences interests you, a career as a medical technologists or lab technician is definitely the path to tread. Having said that, you also need to understand that the career requires a lot concentration and accuracy in work and is no cake walk. So, tread the path, if you have the passion for it and are ready to take up any hurdles that come in the way.

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Dental Oral Hygiene

5 Simple Tips For Best Oral Hygiene

However informed or careful we are about health conditions, most of us tend to ignore a vital part of the body, the mouth or Oral hygiene. Apparently, oral hygiene known to be the window of our health, needs to be paid attention in order to avoid health conditions. Oral hygiene includes taking care of teeth, tongue, gums in all. Not only that, many of us have bad breath issues, that not only make us conscious when with friends, meetings, spouse but also we could lead to embarrassment, when we hear it from our near ones and aren’t aware ourselves. Here are a few tips to be in the pink of oral health always –

Brushing teeth daily is a preliminary routine for maintaining oral health. As per the dentists, brushing teeth three times a day is necessary. But, if you aren’t able to do that atleast try to maintain a routine of two times a day.

It is understandable that using a mouthwash feels like a bomb explosion inside, but bearing that 30 seconds period greatly helps in eliminating majority of the bacteria and germs from your mouth. These days mouth wash come in milder forms and different flavors to choose as well.

Just like you brush everyday, cleaning you tongue is also one of the daily routines to be followed. Tongue cleaning helps you get rid of the food particles on the tongue and using a tooth brush there isn’t a good idea. Tooth brushes are designed for smoother surfaces while a tongue has irregular rough surface. So, using a metal or plastic tongue cleaner is helpful.

You would definitely agree on the fact that many of us might go for brushing as as mouthwash but, we might not floss on a daily basis. Doctors apparently advice to floss daily after dinner, once. This helps remove all the food particles stuck between teeth, which if left there would form a yellow cover around your teeth. It is one of the main reasons of bad breath as well.

Visiting your dentist every six months to clean your teeth always helps in maintaining good oral health. Even if there are any other issues, the dentist can examine and find out.

Have a diet that is rich in nutrients and includes fresh fruits and vegetables, obviously for good body health but fruits like apple can help you stay away from cavities.

The tooth brush deteriorates with regular use and isn’t very effective after 3 months. So, dentists recommend to change tooth brush every three months

Addictions are anyways bad for health and coffee is one of them that has the ability to change the color of your teeth from white to yellow. Addictions like Gutkha and smoking contribute in discolorisation of teeth.

Ultimately, we all want to prolong the life of our teeth so that we can gorge on delicious food till the end of our lives. So, taking care of oral health makes all the more sense, isn’t it?

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Pain is an integral phenomenon with bodily ailments, but is rather synonymous to dental treatment. As obnoxious as it can get, physiological as well as psychological factors, both have a role to play in dealing with pain stimulus response. More than adults, children are bound to get highly anxious even hearing about a potential dental treatment. The most feared of the treatment process is the injection part and mind it, it is not just that the fear of it is limited to kids, even adults have a strong dislike for injections. The painful experience a patient undergoes during an injection procedure is usually two fold. Firstly, when the needle perforates the mucosa damaging the tissue and secondly when injecting the fluid increases the pressure. This issues needs to be dealt with keen interest only because it could act like a roadblock for effective treatment and service.


Its a fact that as layman, people are not much concerned about the technical finesse of the dental treatment, but would surely give you brownie points for a pain free dental procedure, injection being the common cause of unpleasant experience amongst adults and children both. In children, it proves to be a barrier in treatment as the child needs to be relaxed during the procedure of providing anaesthesia and anxiety often tends to make the child uneasy, thus hampering the treatment.

Though, research is already going on in the area, a completely pain free and non invasive type of injections are yet to hit the market. Though, numerous techniques to ease the discomfort and pain caused by injections to a good extent if not great are already there. This includes use of warmed up anaesthetic solutions, prolonged injection time and more. Here is a run down some commonly used injection delivery systems for reducing injection pain/ discomfort.

WAND- Developed long back in 1997, WAND is a CCLAD device that is used for delivery of local anaesthetic solution automatically at a static pressure. It is a highly effective and comfortable injection technique even for tissues like periodontal ligament and palate, that are highly resilient by nature. The WAND consists of three different components namely foot pedal, control unit and a disposable hand piece.  The hand piece is connected to the conventional anesthetic cartridge with plastic micro tubing and is a very light weight device that looks like a Pen. The computer control unit is used for controlling the delivery of local anaesthesia, while the rate of the injection can be controlled with the help of the foot pedal. The reason behind getting such good results with Wand is basically because of maintaining the ideal flow rate.

Introduced in 2007, the STA helps in identifying the ideal placement for needle alongside real time monitoring of the anaesthetic solution’s exit pressure. In case of any sort of leakage, be it from the cartridge/syringe or due to improper placement of the needle or insufficient pressure, the STA has a mechanism of sending an alert.  The STA system also regulates the LA Pressure, thus administering greater volume o f LA with ease and minimal damage to tissue.

Made from a base unit and syringe, CCS for specific applications comes with five different basic injection rate settings. These applications include Palatal region, IO, Infiltration, PDL and Block. The LA solution gradually increases its rate to a pre-programmed value after it is initially expressed at a very low rate. The increase starts post 10 seconds.

These techniques have shown variations in results, in terms of pain reduction, depending upon certain constrains like anxiety levels, age and more, but have proved less painful in many of the cases as well.

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