Brushing Teeth Before or After Breakfast – The Right Way

Many people debate on brushing teeth before or after breakfast, just like people who debate the idea of taking shower in the morning or night and which one is better. Brushing teeth before breakfast is about get away with the bad breadth and the bacteria that are the cause behind it. If you brush after breakfast, you clean up the developing bacteria as well as the particles that are stuck inside.

Brushing Teeth Before or After Breakfast

Apparently, let’s understand how the process inside the mouth works. The bacteria are active when there is less saliva in the mouth. This is during the night time. In the day time as the mouth is able to make enough saliva the bacteria’s are not able to do much of a damage. The percentage production in the day time is 80-90 % compared to 10-15 % in the day time.
Saliva plays a critical role in bacteria in maintain your teeth as well as gums. Also one of the most harmful ingredient is sugar. It encourages the growth of bacteria in mouth and hence eating sweet at night is not a good idea. If possible limit your sugar intake in the evenings so that you restrict the bacteria growth as well. Bacteria feeds on sugar and growth causing tooth decay eventually.

Now considering the question about what is better, brushing before or after breakfast, experts say that is entirely an individual’s choice. If you feel that you can’t take the bad breath then brush your teeth before breakfast and if you feel you are not smelling bad and brushing after breakfast makes you feel clean and fresh, do that. Only point to remember is that if you are going to eat an acidic breakfast like pineapple juice or lemonade for that matter then a better idea will be to brush after breakfast after waiting for some-time. This will give time to your surface enamel to stabilise and this can be done when you eat food while drinking thus causing stability. When you vomit is when the strongest acid gets into your mouth and hence it is advisable to take some tooth paste and apply it on the teeth.

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The idea is to keep bacteria in the mouth at bay by brushing teeth atleast couple of times during the day and avoid intake of sugar more so during the night time as you know how it can boost the growth of bacteria.

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*Sourced from the Internet