How to Heal Cavities Naturally

We all know that Cavities is a very common dental health disorder but what we don’t know is that we can prevent it using naturally by making certain changes in your diet. There are many causes of cavities but one of the main reasons is besides decay is dental anxiety. Furthermore, it’s good to be aware of the fact that cavities are avoidable and even reversible to some extent particularly the smaller ones that too at the convenience of your home, with certain dietary changes. But, before we talk about the food let’s find out what causes cavities and the factors working around cavity formation.

How to Heal Cavities Naturally


Plaque Acid Presence – Plaque acids are one of the main causes that lead to tooth decay and are produced by the bacteria that reside in our mouths. These acids attack teeth and dissolve the vital minerals on the surface of the teeth.

Deficiency of Soluble Vitamins – Deficiency of soluble Vitamins especially Vitamin D and others like A, E and K in the diet.

Deficiency of Minerals – Deficiency of vital nutrients like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the diet.

Excess Processed Sugar – Excess sugar in diet feeds oral bacteria thereby restricting the flow of dental fluids causing decay through demineralization and decalcification.

Excess Phytic acid – Also known as Phytate, Phytic causes mineral deficiencies by blocking them and osteoporosis.
A study was carried out to figure out the dietary effects on cavities. The study involved 62 kids having cavities. These kids were further divided in 3 groups as follows –

  • Group 1 followed a standard diet plus took oatmeal.
  • Group 2 followed a routine diet plus took Vitamin D supplements.
  • Group 3 followed a grain less diet plus took Vitamin D supplements.The results showed that nearly

all cavities of Group 3 healed, which followed a diet that was free from grains and rich in milk and meat, fruits and vegetables.

To avoid cavities, you need to make certain changes in diet in addition to regular brushing as well as flossing.

Avoid Sugar – Sugar is one of the main causes of tooth problems. So keeping your sweet tooth at bay is always a good idea because sugar it is highly acidic in nature and cause decay through decalcification and demineralization.

Avoid Food Rich in Phytic Acid – Ancient food preparing methods, like fermentation of dough, sprouting and more kept phytic acids at bay. Phytic acid is present in foods like grains, beans, seeds and nuts. Using traditional food preparing methods like above can help reduce pytic acids by a staggering 50% to 100%.

Additionally follow a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals and keep cavities as bay as well as reversal of existing ones.


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*Sourced from the Internet