Teeth pain issues do crop up during the winters particularly in regions where the winter is extreme. Apparently cold weather does affect your teeth as they turn to be even more sensitive due to the sudden temperature variation.
A good smile is all about shining and healthy teeth and thus keeping your teeth in the pink of health is required to keep your confidence levels up too. Cold weather does effect your teeth and its quite uncomfortable to bear the discomfort, sharp or constant pain in the teeth. Well, to deal with this issue a better idea is to go an visit your dentist for a routine checkup. While there could be various reasons for teeth issues in winter some of them include, cracks in enamel, sensitive gums, brushing too hard, grinding or clenching teeth frequently and gingivitis to name a few.
There are various home remedies that could also help you take care of your teeth during the winter season. It’s easy. Just ensure that you brush your teeth on a daily basis and even floss it without fail. If still problem persists try for a toothpaste for sensitive teeth with a potassium base. Its better to start the toothpaste even before the falls because this will give the toothpaste time to work on your teeth and make them ready to face the chills ahead effectively. Another toothpaste to help desensitizing your teeth is one that is calcium based. It encase tooth calcium thus providing instant relief by closing the pores that are open. Even the toothbrush you use matters. A tooth brush with soft bristles is advisable.
In the winter season we avoid drinking more water because we don’t feel thirsty frequently and also we want to avoid going to the washroom frequently. But, the fact is that you need to stay hydrated all the time by consuming 2 lts of water across the day to keep your teeth healthy like your body. More water means more saliva and less bacteria. Bacteria buildup is more when we consume foods that contain sugar so avoid sugar and acidic foods as this could lead to a rise in sensitivity.
Just know about Rajarajeswari Dental College and Hospital