Protecting Your Teeth From Cold

Teeth pain issues do crop up during the winters particularly in regions where the winter is extreme. Apparently cold weather does affect your teeth as they turn to be even more sensitive due to the sudden temperature variation.

A good smile is all about shining and healthy teeth and thus keeping your teeth in the pink of health is required to keep your confidence levels up too. Cold weather does effect your teeth and its quite uncomfortable to bear the discomfort, sharp or constant pain in the teeth. Well, to deal with this issue a better idea is to go an visit your dentist for a routine checkup. While there could be various reasons for teeth issues in winter some of them include, cracks in enamel, sensitive gums, brushing too hard, grinding or clenching teeth frequently and gingivitis to name a few.

Protecting Your Teeth From Cold

There are various home remedies that could also help you take care of your teeth during the winter season. It’s easy. Just ensure that you brush your teeth on a daily basis and even floss it without fail. If still problem persists try for a toothpaste for sensitive teeth with a potassium base. Its better to start the toothpaste even before the falls because this will give the toothpaste time to work on your teeth and make them ready to face the chills ahead effectively. Another toothpaste to help desensitizing your teeth is one that is calcium based. It encase tooth calcium thus providing instant relief by closing the pores that are open. Even the toothbrush you use matters. A tooth brush with soft bristles is advisable.

In the winter season we avoid drinking more water because we don’t feel thirsty frequently and also we want to avoid going to the washroom frequently. But, the fact is that you need to stay hydrated all the time by consuming 2 lts of water across the day to keep your teeth healthy like your body. More water means more saliva and less bacteria. Bacteria buildup is more when we consume foods that contain sugar so avoid sugar and acidic foods as this could lead to a rise in sensitivity.

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5 Dental Problems for People Above 50 Years of Age

Teeth problems are caused throughout the lifetime but after 50 its starts going southwards. Tooth issues are generally very painful issues and precaution for prevention is always a good idea. Also, 50 plus is an age when everything other than health is secondary. So, let us run through some of the tooth problems that commonly occur in the 50’s and care to be taken in order to avoid the same.

Dry Mouth
Dry mouth is often a result of medications. As people grow older, the number of medications also increase hence resulting into dry mouth problems. Sometimes it could occur due to an accidental blow to the head or smoking addictions due to damage to salivary glands. The symptoms of dry mouth include dry throat, issues swallowing, dry and cracked lips. It may also cause bad breadth and trouble with swallowing food.

Care – Sipping water throughout the day for stimulating saliva production is a good remedy for dry mouth. Alternatively, you may also sugar free xylitol chewing gum or candy. Over the counter formulations are also available and could on the advice and prescription of your Dentist.

Tooth Decay
While many of us may presume that cavities are only a problem of the sunny days, apparently we’re not aware enough. Cavities can occur even after 50 years. The roots of your teeth turn softer as well as are even more exposed once you cross the golden jubilee mark. So, they are more prone to tooth decay not only on the surface of the teeth but also affect the root and over old fillings.

Care – Flouride is a simple solution to the problem called cavities. Be it children or adults, is works alike for both and is known to be one of the top 10 dental health measures. In India people do not drink fluorinated water, like Americans do. Hence, it is advisable that you do a fluoride rinse after brushing daily. Alternatively, you may also ask your dentist to prescribe you some flouride prescription gel.

Gingivitis/ Gum Disease
Gingivitis is a first stage of gum disease and needs and needs early intervention or it can progress further into bone loss and eventually loss of teeth. The symptoms of gum disease include red and swollen gums that bleed easily.

Care – Follow your routine teeth care and visit your dentists regularly for oral check-up and cleaning.

Tooth Crowding
As per the X-president of American association of Orthodontists, our teeth shift as we age. This makes it difficult to clean the teeth increasing the risk of tooth decay. Additionally, it also increases the risk of periodontal disease that could lead to a loss of teeth.

Care – Meet your dentist to find out if your teeth have actually shifted. The dentist may suggest refitting them with a spacer, retainer or braces as well. It is advisable to do a regular visit to your dentist to check on the shifting part and even regular cleaning.

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Oral Cancer
Oral cancer is ranks in the top three cancers in India as per a research paper published in Journal of Cancer Epidemiology in 2012. As you age the risk of oral cancer only increases. The people who are addicted to smoking and drinking often are at a greater risk of the same. The discovery of Human Papilloma virus has also added to the cause of oral cancer.

Care – Mortality rate for those suffering from oral cancer is very low. If detected at an early stage then the survival rate is upto 5 years or so. Hence, it’s advisable to do a checkup for oral cancer regularly.

*Sourced from the Internet


Career Alternatives After Studying Dentistry

Career Alternatives After Studying Dentistry – A Short Guide

Dentistry has been a lucrative career for a long time and hence has been a career choice of many students aspiring to choose a stream that is around medicine. In India there are umpteen colleges that offer bachelors, masters and doctorate courses in dentistry.

But, many students around the time the complete BDS realize that they aren’t sure of what they want to do after BDS or aren’t very keen on going ahead with clinical dental practice. So, here are a list of career alternatives after BDS that could help you out of these horns of the dilemma.

If you have the resources to acquire higher education and the interest to pursue, then going for a MDS or a doctorate program is definitely a good alternative. Having a masters or a doctorate in your kitty will certainly place you at a higher level than a bachelors degree holder. It will also open doors to career alternatives, that of becoming a lecturer or a dental research associate.

If you are willing to work for a firm rather than pursuing your own practice, you may apply in hospitals and areas like defense, where they do recruit dentists through short service commission for a definite period that is extendable. Another lucrative but difficult alternative is choosing to appear for civil service examinations. These exams mostly focus on general knowledge and cracking these ones can make you an IAS/ IPS/ IFS, offering a sky rocketing career in the Indian government. Even railways and the state government does come out with recruitment in dentistry from time to time.

For students having the desire to move outside India for better opportunities, Gulf, UK, Canada as well as the USA are some destinations that offer a good scope. You can either opt for higher education here or a work permit. There might be few prerequisites though associated with it and you would need to figure them out before going ahead.

In case you realize at the end of doing BDS that dentistry is not your cup of tea, then you always have an option for MBA in the area of your interest. Alternatively, you may go for masters in mass communication or advertising or any other as well. This might mean saying a good bye to dentistry mostly but could just open the relevant door to your career dreams.

Well, they say if one door closes, may others open and that there’s always a plan B to Z available if plan A fails. So, if you are in a dilemma about your career direction after BDS, take out some to to ponder upon your own interests and passions if any and you’ll certainly find a way ahead.

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