Admission Enquiry for 2024-25             'ProsthARTics - 2024'                              

Recognised by Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, UK for part 1 & 2 MFDS Examinations

News & Event

Event Date

28 May 2022

IDM – Smile Aesthetics


According to psychologist Albert Mehrabian’s communication model, only 7% of what we communicate is actually verbal, the rest is body language and 55% of body language is encompassed by your smile.

Although ideal occlusion should be the primary functional goal of orthodontics, the esthetic result is also critical for patient satisfaction and therefore should be included in the overall treatment objectives.

The presentation strives to provide an insight into the importance of smile aesthetics while also including the various components of smile aesthetics. The components discussed are lip line, smile arc, upper lip curvature, lateral negative, smile symmetry, occlusal frontal plane, dental and gingival components.

The presentation also includes few case reports of out of the exhaustive set of cases treated in the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics at Rajarajeswari Dental College and Hospital. The various components of smile that have improved during the course of orthodontic treatment are also explained in detail.

These concepts of smile esthetics are not new, but are too often overlooked in orthodontic treatment planning.

The eight components of the smile should be considered not as rigid boundaries, but as artistic guidelines to help orthodontists and practitioners treat individual patients who are today, more than ever, highly aware of smile esthetics.