Mental Health And Oral Health – Is There A Connect?

Well, stress is known to affect physical and mental health both but people are not aware around the connect of mental health with oral health too. People with stress conditions like bio-polar disorders and chronic depression often tend to ignore oral health issues at times. This leads to deterioration of oral health and on an average compared to general people, people with mental health issues are over three times more likely to lose teeth. Not many know that high stress levels could raise the cortisol hormone levels leading to periodontal disease conditions. Here are some of the reasons why mental illness leads to oral health issues as well.

Mental Health And Oral Health

Eating Habits – Eating disorder like bulimia could result in erosion of teeth due to acidity spike and vomiting. Also, there is a loss of calcium which in turn leads to deterioration of dental health.

Anxiety – Many people with mental health issues could also suffer from dental phobia and hence avoid dental visits.

Ignoring – Many people do not give importance to or pay attention to dental health issues including people with mental health issues.

Hygiene – Improper dental hygiene also leads to oral health issues as people do not tend to brush their teeth and take care of their dental health properly.

Medicines – Many times mental health medications do have side effects that cause oral health issues like dry mouth and more.

So, yes there is a connect between mental health and dental health in a way and if you live a healthy lifestyle and follow your oral hygiene routines properly even if you have a mental health condition you can manage dental health issues properly. Not to miss out, this does include staying away from harmful addictions like excess tobacco intake, smoking as well as do much of drinking and drug use.

*Just know about Rajarajeswari Dental College and Hospital